Valeo : Green by Nature

- Valeo has long been dedicated to protecting the environment through eco-friendly products and systems as well as cleaner factories and manufacturing processes. As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, Valeo is committed to preserving the planet and enabling a better automotive world for current and future generations.
- Dramatic population growth and an increasing desire for individual liberty have brought to the forefront the challenge of reconciling the huge demand for vehicles and the need to reduce their impact on the environment.
- For the automotive industry this challenge translates into the need for technological and manufacturing innovations specifically designed to protect the environment. Reduced fuel consumption and pollutant emissions constitute the major challenges facing our industry. Developing the necessary solutions is invigorating and stimulating, and it calls for significant investment. Furthermore, such technologies must be developed, tested and implemented while keeping costs as low as possible. Valeo is successfully meeting these challenges and will continue to do so in the future.